Centre for Policy on Ageing


Ground control
 — [personalised care]
Author(s)Mark Ivory
Journal titleCommunity Care, issue 1690, 13 September 2007
Pagespp 14-15
KeywordsCommunity care ; Social security benefits ; Independence.
AnnotationPersonalised care could deliver a long-held ambition for services users, by offering them an active role in organising their own support. There are fears, however, that this is a cost-cutting exercise. This article outlines developments and changes in terminology in the 14 years since since the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 was implemented. While In Control's project has enabled people to be in charge of their support and the money to pay for it, local authorities have had difficulties in selling the concept to many older people. Leading academics, Jon Glasby and Peter Beresford, share these suspicions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070925215 A
ClassmarkPA: JH: C3 *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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