Centre for Policy on Ageing


White matter changes and late-life depressive symptoms: longitudinal study
Author(s)A Teodorczuk, J T O'Brien, M J Firbank
Journal titleBritish Journal of Psychiatry, vol 191, September 2007
Pagespp 212-217
KeywordsDepression ; Symptoms ; Memory disorders ; Vascular diseases ; Correlation ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationEvidence from cross-sectional studies suggests a link between cerebral age-related white matter changes and late-life depressive symptoms in older people, although the temporal association remains unclear. In a pan-European multi-centre study of 639 older people without significant disability, MRI white matter changes and demographic and clinical variables, including cognitive scores, quality of life, disability and depressive symptoms were assessed at baseline. Clinical assessments were repeated after one year. Using logistic regression analysis, severity of white matter changes was shown to independently and significantly to predict depressive symptoms, quality of life and worsening disability. White matter changes pre-date and are associated with the development of depressive symptoms. This has implications for treatment and prevention of depression in later life. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070912201 A
ClassmarkENR: CT: EH: CQP: 49: 3J

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