Centre for Policy on Ageing


Growing older and wiser together
 — a futures view on positive ageing
Corporate AuthorScotland's Futures Forum
PublisherScotland's Futures Forum, Edinburgh, [2007]
Pages44 pp
SourceScotland's Futures Forum, Q1.07, Queensberry House, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP. Website: www.scotlandfutureforum.org
KeywordsAgeing process ; Good Health ; Well being ; Projects ; Scotland.
AnnotationAs a means of stimulating public debate on positive aspects of ageing in Scotland, this report highlights principles and issues around four themes affecting the country's future. Firstly, on the economics of ageing, barriers to recruitment and retention in the workforce, also the implications of a population that is ageing, are identified. Second, on ageing and the skill gap, points to the need for lifelong learning and ending age discrimination. Third, on ageing and the socio-environment, asks questions about health and wellbeing, transport, housing, and technology and inclusive design. Lastly, ageing and the individual: how can older people's skills contribute to society in the future through volunteering, mentoring and other forms of 'work'? The report also presents three 'scenarios' on possible perceptions of ageing and older people in the year 2031. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070907001 B
ClassmarkBG: CD: D:F:5HH: 3E: 9A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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