Centre for Policy on Ageing


Measuring the values and preferences for everyday care of persons with cognitive impairment and their family caregivers
Author(s)Carol J Whitlatch, Lynn Friss Feinberg, Shandra S Tucke
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 45, no 3, June 2005
Pagespp 370-380
KeywordsCognitive impairment ; Family care ; Attitude ; Consumer choice ; Rights [elderly] ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe development and properties are described of a 24-item scale to be used in research and practice settings that assesses the everyday care values and preferences of individuals with cognitive impairment and the perceptions of family caregivers about their relative's value and preferences for care. The Values and Preferences Scale (VPS) was developed on the basis of previous measures used with cognitively intact samples with additional items generated by the authors in consultation with an advisory committee of practitioners, researchers, family caregivers, and people with cognitive impairment. 111 individuals with mild to moderate cognitive impairment and their family caregivers were interviewed. Results of factor analysis of the VPS determined two domains: Environment-Social Network, and Personal Autonomy. Overall, there was good internal consistency for both the individuals and their caregivers. Further application and testing of the VPS should prove useful to practitioners who assist those with cognitive impairment and their caregivers with daily care decisions, and the development of care plans. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070904205 A
ClassmarkE4: P6:SJ: DP: WYC: IKR: 4C: 7T

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