Centre for Policy on Ageing


The costs and benefits of independent living
 — a report of research carried by SQW on behalf of the Office for Disability Issues, Department for Work and Pensions
Author(s)Jennifer Hurstfield, Urvashi Parashar, Kerry Schofield
Corporate AuthorSQW Limited; Office for Disability Issues (ODI), Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherOffice for Disability Issues, London, 2007
Pages133 pp
SourceOffice for Disability Issues, 6th Floor, Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT. E-mail: office-for-disability-issues@dwp.gsi.gov.uk Website: www.officefordisability.gov.uk/publications
KeywordsIndependence ; Physical disabilities ; Living in the community ; Costs [care] ; Cost effectiveness ; Case studies ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe Office for Disability Issues (ODI) commissioned SWQ Limited to carry out this study, to inform the first stage of the Independent Living Review, a 12-month project being carried by the ODI tackling barriers to independent living (IL). The study comprises a literature review analysing more than 100 documents on the 'independent living approach'; and five case studies of individual circumstances and different types of supports. It assesses costs and benefits at individual, service delivery and national levels. The last case study focuses on independent living for older people, and examines two projects: the Portsmouth Prevention and Wellbeing Network (PPWN); and the Dorset Partnerships for Older People Programme (POPP) pilot initiative. The findings indicate the existence of individual and service delivery evidence; however, material at macro-economic level is relatively sparse. Evidence from the case studies shows that investment in IL would result in "sizeable long-term cost savings for the Exchequer": there would be an increase in tax revenues, a reduced state benefits bill, and less pressure on health and social care services. An executive summary (11 pp) is also available. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-070816002 B
ClassmarkC3: BN: K4: QDC: WEC: 69P: 64A

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