Centre for Policy on Ageing


Better outcomes, lower costs: implications for health and social care budgets of investment in housing adaptations, improvements and equipment: a review of the evidence
 — a report of research carried by the School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol on behalf of the Office for Disability Issues, Department for Work and Pensions
Author(s)Frances Heywood, Lynn Turner
Corporate AuthorSchool for Policy Studies, University of Bristol; Office for Disability Issues (ODI), Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherOffice for Disability Issues, London, 2007
Pages118 pp
SourceOffice for Disability Issues, 6th Floor, Adelphi, 1-11 John Adam Street, London WC2N 6HT. E-mail: office-for-disability-issues@dwp.gsi.gov.uk Website: www.officefordisability.gov.uk/publications
KeywordsAssistive technology ; Physical disabilities ; Housing [elderly] ; Architectural design ; Adaption ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe Audit Commission report, "Fully equipped" (2000) commented on the potential effectiveness of NHS and local authority equipment services. This research report confirms and builds on that evidence, using two methods. The main one was to search databases including ISI Web of Knowledge, ASSIA, Sociological Abstracts, Medline, Dissertation Abstracts and SIGLE. Supplementary to that was a request to occupational therapists in England, Wales and Northern Ireland for local evidence not otherwise found by a literature search. Attention is also drawn to the researchers' definitions for assistive technology, cost benefits, and saving. The report presents evidence discovered as follows: savings through falls prevention; other health care cost savings; savings in home care; saving the cost of residential care; better quality of life for the same expenditure; saving the health of carers; and preventing waste. Assessment of each research item's quality of evidence is summarised for transparency of methodology, quality of sampling, objectivity, reasonableness of assumptions, reliability of findings, financial soundness and accuracy, and transferability of findings. An executive summary (6 pp) is also available. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070816001 B
ClassmarkM: BN: KE: YB3: 5SA: 64A

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