Centre for Policy on Ageing


Aspects of ageing in Ukraine
Author(s)Svetlana Poniakina
Journal titleBOLD, vol 17, no 3, May 2007
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), May 2007
Pagespp 16-20
KeywordsAgeing process ; Demography ; Eastern Europe.
AnnotationPopulation trends and patterns are presented, not least the impact of demographic changes since 1990 on the age structure. Ukraine's population is now the oldest in Europe: 20.7% of the population in aged 60+, and only 14.4% aged under 15. The author comments on the impact of ageing on society: for the family, care services and the economy. Recommendations include encouraging intergenerational integration and, given the reduction of state support for older people, enabling older people to participate in employment. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070813236 A
ClassmarkBG: S8: 7A

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