Centre for Policy on Ageing


Towards a national strategy for older people in Ireland
 — prepared by Professor Eamon O'Shea, Director, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, National University of Ireland Galway
Author(s)Eamon O'Shea
Corporate AuthorOlder & Bolder, Ireland
PublisherElectronic format only, Dublin, November 2006
Pages20 pp
SourceDownload from website (4/7/07) : http://www.olderandbolder.ie Other contact: Older & Bolder Campaign, PO Box 10845, Dublin 9, Ireland. E-mail: info@olderandbolder.ie
KeywordsAgeing process ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Social policy ; Ireland.
AnnotationThe argument is made for a new national strategy for older people in Ireland, embracing the UN Principles for Older Persons - independence, participation, care, self-fulfilment and dignity. The strategy should include these elements: citizenship; income and wealth; work and retirement; healthy ageing; independent living; self-image and identity; and policy implementation that builds on existing good practice and policy. The strategy must be developed in conjunction with older people themselves. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070704201 E
ClassmarkBG: F: TM2: 763

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