Centre for Policy on Ageing


Promoting attitude change
 — staff training programme on continence care
Author(s)Ian A James, Petra Carlsson-Mitchell, Jenny Ellingford
Journal titlePSIGE Newsletter, no 97, January 2007
PublisherPsychologists' Special Interest Group in Elderly People - PSIGE, British Psychological Society, January 2007
Pagespp 11-16
KeywordsIncontinence ; Attitude ; Care home staff ; Nurses ; In-service training ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThis paper presents findings of a survey conducted during a continence training programme for 92 staff working in care homes and in-patient wards. The survey was conducted as part of an experiential exercise within a workshop designed to promote attitude change. It required staff to indicate whether or not they employed any ritualistic habits when using public toilets (e.g. hovering over the toilet seat without making contact). It was envisaged that asking staff to reflect on their own toileting habits would make them more empathic about residents' potential anxieties concerning use of toilets in care settings. Feedback from the training suggested that the survey was an effective vehicle for initiating attitude change. The paper also presents data on the perceived value of the training programme from a sub-set of 11 participants. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070629201 A
ClassmarkCTM: DP: QRM: QTE: QWD: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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