Centre for Policy on Ageing


Factors related to potentially harmful behaviors towards disabled older people by family caregivers in Japan
Author(s)Megumi Sasaki, Yumiko Arai, Keigo Kumamoto
Journal titleInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, vol 22, no 3, March 2007
Pagespp 250-257
KeywordsPhysical disabilities ; Mental disorder ; Behaviour disorders ; Elder abuse ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Family care ; Children [offspring] as carers ; Social surveys ; Japan.
Annotation412 pairs of disabled older people living in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan and their family caregivers participated in the study. All of these disabled older people were users of visiting nursing services under the public Long-Term Care insurance system. Caregivers were asked to complete questionnaires regarding their potentially harmful behaviour (PHB) towards their older relative, caregiver burden, patient-caregiver kinship, their older relative's behavioural disturbances, age and sex. Visiting nurses obtained information on the older person's severity of dementia or physical impairment, age and sex. More than 30% of the caregivers admitted PHB towards their older relatives, the most frequently reported including verbal aggression (16.8%) and ignoring (13.6%). A logistic regression analysis revealed that adult children and caregivers of older disabled people with behavioural disturbances were more likely to show PHB. In the present study, PHB towards older people by family caregivers was associated with patients' behavioural disturbances and patient-caregiver kinship, i.e. an adult child as a caregiver. These findings should be taken into account when planning strategies to prevent PHB by family members. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070627212 A
ClassmarkBN: E: EP: QNT: F: P6:SJ: P6:SS: 3F: 7DT

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