Centre for Policy on Ageing


UK Study of Abuse and Neglect of Older People
 — prevalence survey report; prepared for Comic Relief and the Department of Health
Author(s)Madeleine O'Keeffe, Amy Hills, Melanie Doyle
Corporate AuthorKing's College London; National Centre for Social Research - NatCen
PublisherNational Centre for Social Research - NatCen, London, June 2007
Pages87 pp (+ Appendices)
SourceNational Centre for Social Research, 35 Northampton Square, London EC1V 0AX. Contact: Sue Johnson for further information, or email : info@natcen.ac.uk http://www.natcen.ac.uk Report on Comic Relief website:
KeywordsElder abuse ; Neglect [care] ; Social surveys.
AnnotationElder abuse and neglect (mistreatment) are increasingly acknowledged as a social problem in the UK and internationally, but there has been an absence of any sound data on the extent of this in the UK. This lack of evidence prompted Comic Relief and the Department of Health (DH) to commission the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and King's College London to carry out this survey. This report introduces the survey and the sample characteristics: more than 2100 people in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland took part in the survey between March and September 2006. The survey covers five types of mistreatment: neglect; financial abuse; psychological abuse; physical abuse; and sexual abuse. It estimates a 2.8% prevalence rate of mistreatment for older people living in the community (equating to about 227000 people aged 66+ in the UK). Using broader definitions to include neighbours and acquaintances, prevalence increases to 4% (324000 aged 66+). The report also discusses findings on: perpetrator characteristics; the impact of mistreatment; and prevalence estimates using alternative definitions of mistreatment. Appendices include the survey methodology, the Growing Older: Life Experiences and Wellbeing questionnaire and associated documentation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070614001 B
ClassmarkQNT: QNR: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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