Centre for Policy on Ageing


Comparative European module
 — protection of vulnerable older people
Author(s)Greta Bradley, Bridget Penhale
Journal titleThe Journal of Adult Protection, vol 2, no 4, November 2000
Pagespp 17-21
SourceWebsite: http://www.pavpub.com
KeywordsElder abuse ; Social work ; Training [welfare work] ; Comparison ; England ; Austria ; France ; Germany.
AnnotationFor the past four years, the Social Work Department at the University of Hull has been working partnership with colleagues from Austria, France and Germany to develop a European module on comparative social work. Funded by the European Union (EU) SOCRATES programme, this has involved the four European sites developing and adapting a prototype module concerning vulnerable older people to fit with their own programme requirements. This paper describes what the process has revealed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070524213 A
ClassmarkQNT: IG: QW: 48: 82: 76A: 765: 767

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