Centre for Policy on Ageing


Primary health care and social care
 — working across professional boundaries
Author(s)Bob Hudson
Corporate AuthorCommunity Care Division, Nuffield Institute for Health
Journal titleUpdate : recent work from the Community Care Division, issue 8, September 2000
PublisherNuffield Institute, Leeds, September 2000
Pagespp 1-8
KeywordsGeneral practitioners ; Social workers ; Social Services Departments ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Liaison ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationThis Update is based on work funded by the Northern and Yorkshire Region of the NHS Executive, and conducted by a team of researchers from the Nuffield Institute for Health led by Bob Hudson. The three broad interests of this research are: relationships between organisations; relationships between professions; and links between organisational (macro) and professional (micro) levels of activity. The Update outlines the findings of the questionnaire survey, the locality studies, and the focus group studies. It identifies some recurring themes around inter-agency relationships and inter-professional arrangements. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070516225 A
ClassmarkQT6: QR: PF: QAJ: QK6: QAK: 3A:6KC *

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