Centre for Policy on Ageing


Locality partnerships
 — the early PCG experience
Author(s)Bob Hudson
Corporate AuthorCommunity Care Division, Nuffield Institute for Health
Journal titleUpdate : recent work from the Community Care Division, issue 7, August 1999
PublisherNuffield Institute, Leeds, August 1999
Pagespp 1-6
KeywordsNational Health Service ; General practice ; Coordination ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Local ; Social surveys ; Northern England ; South West England.
AnnotationThis Update is based on research regarding the relationship between localisation and partnership, which also aimed to develop a comparative account of primary care groups (PCGs) across four localities in two NHS regions: Northern and Yorkshire; and South and West. The two stages of data collection are summarised. The fieldwork is outlined in terms of: locality description and partnership histories; PCG board relationships; the PCG board and its constituencies; the PCG and interagency relationships; the PCG and public legitimation; and the 'early product' and its prospects. In the event, it was clear in the White Paper, "The new NHS: modern, dependable" that a localised focus was no longer an option, although 'collaborative' or 'partnership' models were. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070516224 A
ClassmarkL4: L5: QAJ: QK6: 5CT: 3F: 82N: 82Y *

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