Centre for Policy on Ageing


Filial piety and psychological well-being in well older Chinese
Author(s)Sheung-Tak Cheng, Alfred C M Chan
Journal titleJournals of Gerontology: Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, vol 61B, no 5, September 2006
Pagespp P262-P269
KeywordsFamily relationships ; Children [offspring] as carers ; Well being ; Social surveys ; China.
Annotation164 Chinese older people recruited from social centres responded to a survey instrument tapping into perceived filial behaviour of children (close vs not close) and the degree to which these behaviours matched personal expectations (filial discrepancy). Across all kinds of filial behaviours, providing attention when the parent was ill or distressed was perceived to be the least performed and was the most discrepant with expectations. Whether the children were paying respect and whether they were providing care in times of illness or distress were most important in determining a sense of filial discrepancy in the parent. However, after functional limitations and financial strain were controlled for, only respect emerged as a consistent predictor of psychological well-being. These findings were similar whether the target was the closest children or less close children. There was no evidence that a child's overdoing his or her filial role was detrimental to the parents' well-being among Chinese individuals in this study. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070504227 A
ClassmarkDS:SJ: P6:SS: D:F:5HH: 3F: 7DC

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