Centre for Policy on Ageing


Local Housing Allowance final evaluation
 — the qualitative evidence of landlords' and agents' experience in the nine Pathfinder areas
Author(s)Julie Rugg
Corporate AuthorCentre for Housing Policy - CHP, University of York; Housing Research and Analysis Division, Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherCorporate Document Services, Leeds, [2006]
Pages69 pp (Local Housing Allowance evaluation, 12)
SourceCorporate Document Services, 7 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7LY. Email: orderline@cds.co.uk Website: www.cds.co.uk Weblink: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/housingbenefit/lha/evaluatio...
KeywordsHousing benefit [Nov 82] ; Pilot ; Evaluation.
AnnotationAs part of its reform of Housing Benefit (HB), the Government has introduced a Local Housing Allowance (LHA), payable to low income tenants in the private rented sector. This proposal was included in the Welfare Reform Green Paper 'A new deal for welfare' (Cm 6730; TSO, 2006). The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has commissioned an evaluation of LHA in the nine Pathfinder local authorities, where it was introduced between November 2003 and February 2004: Brighton & Hove, Lewisham, Edinburgh, Leeds, Blackpool, Conwy, Coventry, North East Lincolnshire and Teignbridge, Devon. This report draws on interviews with private landlords and letting agents regarding their experiences two years after LHA has been implemented in their local authority area. It looks at the circumstances of letting to people on HB or LHA; the impact of LHA on rent setting; landlords' and agents' experiences of rent arrears and strategies in responses to arrears; changes in willingness to be HB/LHA recipients; and landlords' perspectives on any administrative advantages. This and other future publications about the LHA evaluation are available on the DWP website (at http://www.dwp.gov.uk/housingbenefit/lha/evaluatio... (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070503010 B
ClassmarkJH8: 4UC: 4C

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