Centre for Policy on Ageing


Finding more time to care
 — [use of Productive Ward principles to improve meal rounds]
Author(s)Jennifer Taylor
Journal titleHealth Service Journal, vol 117, no 6052, supplement, 19 April 2007
Pagesp 15-17
KeywordsMeals services ; Hospital services ; In-service training ; Barnsley.
AnnotationAn article in the supplement entitled 'Productive ward' in this issue of the Health Service Journal describes how staff in Barnsley Hospital's Ward 22 for frail and older people have used Productive Ward principles to improve meal rounds. The hospital is one of two development sites for the Releasing Time to Care Productive Ward Programme being run by the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement. The Programme's aim is to improve patient safety and the quality of care by increasing the amount of direct care time that nurses spend with patients. This article describes how meal times were recorded and played back to identify aspects of staff interaction with patients that needed to be changed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070430202 A
ClassmarkNR: LD: QWD: 85A

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