Centre for Policy on Ageing


Beyond sheltered accommodation
 — a review of extra care housing and care home provision for BME elders
Author(s)Adrian Jones
Corporate AuthorResearch and Development Unit, Age Concern England - ACE; Chinese Housing Consultative Group (CHCG)
PublisherAge Concern England, London, December 2006
Pages37 pp
SourceLullyn Tavares, Research & Development Unit, Age Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. E-mail: lullyn.tavares@ace.org.uk http://www.ageconcern.org.uk
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Sheltered housing ; Extra care ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Research Reviews.
AnnotationFindings are presented of the "desk research" stage of a proposed "Review of service provision for a changing, diverse older population: extra care housing and care homes". This phase reviewed research by the 1990 Trust and the Policy Research Institute on Ageing and Ethnicity (PRIAE); examined current provision of extra care and care homes for black and minority ethnic (BME) older people; and looked at other strategies for provision. Since there is neither much research on or provision for BME older people, it is suggested that part of an otherwise non ethnic-specific extra care development be used to meet this group's needs, as is the case in Bristol. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070423005 B
ClassmarkTK: KLA: QA:58D: KW: LHB: 3A:6KC

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