Centre for Policy on Ageing


Qualitative research on older drivers
Author(s)Fauzia Gardezi, Keith G Wilson, Malcolm Man-Son-Hing
Journal titleClinical Gerontologist, vol 30, no 1, 2006
Pagespp 5-22
KeywordsDriving capability ; Qualitative Studies ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationWith an ageing population, concerns for road safety point to a growing need for research into older people's driving attitudes and habits. This review of the qualitative literature identifies 25 studies that used focus groups or interviews to learn about the experiences and concerns of older drivers. Four themes are considered: the importance of driving; negative aspects of driving; the process of driving cessation; and views of transport alternatives. An understanding of these topics can help to improve programme and research planning for older people's transport needs. This is the first of four articles in a special section on driving and older adults in this issue of Clinical Gerontologist. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070413208 A
ClassmarkOPF: 3DP: 64A

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