Centre for Policy on Ageing


Performance indicators in social care for older people
Author(s)David Challis, Paul Clarkson, Raymond Warburton
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Manchester
PublisherAshgate, Aldershot, 2006
Pages350 pp
SourceAshgate Publishing Limited, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hants GU11 3HR.
KeywordsServices ; Social Services Departments ; Performance ; Indicators ; Cheshire.
AnnotationDuring the 1990s, Cheshire Social Services Department (SSD) commissioned the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) to recommend, develop and help to implement and monitor a set of performance indicators for services for older people. This book reviews the historical development and measurement issues of such performance indicators in the public sector. It sets out the stages leading to the resulting Performance Indicator Analysis Framework (PIAF), by considering the emergence of performance review, and by examining the process of constructing, developing and using local performance measures that are effective. An appendix provides detailed descriptions of the PIAF indicators. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070411002 B
ClassmarkI: PF: 5H: 3RI: 8CH

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