Centre for Policy on Ageing


Focus on commissioning: end of life care
 — a commissioning perspective
Corporate AuthorNational Council for Palliative Care
PublisherNational Council for Palliative Care, London, February 2007
Pages12 pp
SourceNational Council for Palliative Care, The Fitzpatrick Building, 188-194 York Way, London N7 9AS. E-mail: enquiries@ncpc.org.uk Website: www.npcp.org.uk
KeywordsTerminal care ; Planning [admin] ; Finance [care] ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationFew primary care trusts (PCTs) have developed comprehensive strategies related to end of life care, which assesses the needs of their local populations and sets out the actions they will take to improve service delivery. This paper was first presented to the annual conference of the Liverpool Care Pathway held at the Royal Society of Medicine on 15 November 2006. The paper sets out a possible approach to commissioning. It defines end of life care and the patient/client group, and outlines how best an individual's end of life care needs can be identified. It suggests a standard service model for supportive and palliative care including end of life care, taking into consideration likely costs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070403001 P
ClassmarkLV: QA6: QC: 583 *

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