Centre for Policy on Ageing


Local area agreements enabling measures
 — Departmental position statements (Round 2)
Corporate AuthorDepartment for Communities and Local Government - DCLG
PublisherElectronic format only, November 2006
Pages10 pp
SourceDownload from website: www.communities.gov.uk Email: communities@twoten.com
KeywordsServices ; Social Services Departments ; Performance ; Indicators.
AnnotationThis document is addressed to those local authorities that have asked to change or have flexibility when reporting certain indicators in the Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) that are submitted as a requirement by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). An explanatory note about the background of this Departmental position statement prefaces the decisions made. Councils have been critical of two Indicators (amongst others) that concern home-care performance. Indicator C28 measures the number of households receiving intensive home care; and it is argued that this forces councils to focus on acute, rather than preventive services. The other is Indicator C32 on helping older people to live at home; and it is argued that this ignores the contribution of services such as extra care or sheltered housing in keeping people out of residential care. The Department of Health (DH) has denied the request for greater flexibility in reporting. However, Councils are free to set up their own indicators in addition to those that come under the PAF, which must remain in place. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070212204 E
ClassmarkI: PF: 5H: 3RI

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