Centre for Policy on Ageing


Short care episodes
 — a UKHCA position statement
Corporate AuthorUnited Kingdom Home Care Association - UKHCA
Journal titleHomecarer, (insert), January 2007
PublisherUKHCA, January 2007
Pagespp 1-4
SourceUKHCA, Group House, 52 Sutton Court Road, Sutton SM1 4SL. Download from website: http://www.ukhca.co.uk Email: policy@ukhca.co.uk
KeywordsHome care services ; Short term ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationThe United Kingdom Home Care Association (UKHCA) is the representative association for organisations that provide domiciliary care, home nursing and allied services. This position statement is issued to its members, as guidance to act upon. This statement is made to ensure that homecare meets service users' needs, in the light of commissioning practice criticised by England's statutory regulatory body, the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) in its 2006 report, "An overview of home care services for older people in England, 2006". The position statement is as follows: "UKHCA recognises that short-duration care episodes - those of 15 minutes or fewer - are generally unsuitable in supporting service users to meet their personal care needs in a way that enables them exercise acceptable levels of choice, individuality and independence. Short episodes should be used only where monitoring or prompting activities are the sole objective of the intervention." Also included are eight recommendations for commissioners. UKHCA will continue to release position statements and updates on issues of concern to its membership. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070206501 P
ClassmarkNH: 4P: 583

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