Centre for Policy on Ageing


Supported living
 — the legal and regulatory issues
Author(s)Peter Grose
Journal titleJournal of Care Services Management, vol 1, no 1, September 2006
PublisherLondon, September 2006
Pagespp 86-95
KeywordsMental disorder ; Living in the community ; Care homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Law ; Elder abuse ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThis review discusses the legal aspects of supported and assisted living and the regulation and deregulation of care homes in conjunction with the Care Standards Act 2000, Department of Health (DH) guidance (August 2002), and the 'Alternatives Futures' case heard by the Care Standards Tribunal in 2003 and by the Court of Appeal in 2005. The House of Lords has now decided that it will not hear any further appeal in this case, so the Court of Appeal decision is binding. Meanwhile, the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) has issued interim guidance, but further guidance is awaited urgently from the DH. The joint CSCI/Healthcare Commission report published in July 2006 revealing abuse in "supported living" houses in Cornwall (which should in fact have been registered as care homes) brings into sharp focus the need to assess whether supported living houses throughout England should be registered as care homes if personal care is provided together with accommodation. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070206209 A
ClassmarkE: K4: KW: Q3: VR: QNT: 64A

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