Centre for Policy on Ageing


Evaluation of Home Care in Europe
 — final report : abbreviated version
Author(s)Eva Brattander
Corporate AuthorHome Care in Europe; Skill Studentkompetens AB
PublisherElectronic format only, 28 February 2006
Pages14 pp
SourceDownload from website: http://homecare.cfl.se/?sid=27
KeywordsHome care services ; Training [welfare work] ; European Union ; Projects ; Evaluation ; Europe.
AnnotationThe project, Home Care in Europe, was a pilot project within the EU Leonardo da Vinci programme. Twelve parties representing 20 countries had collaborated over three years (2002-2005) to develop and implement basic training for the care of older persons. The project leader was Helene Nord from the Swedish co-ordinating body of the project, Nationelt centrum for flexibelt lärande (CFL). The course developed and available from the Home Care website is based on validation, flexible learning plus information and communications technology. This final report is a summary version of the comprehensive evaluation of Home Care undertaken by Skill Studentkompetens. It favourably reviews the project, although the final web-based product does not reach the scope in terms of text content that was contemplated according to the project plan; nonetheless, it satisfies the fundamental goals established for the training course. Further information about the project, its plan, conference briefings and final report is available from the website link given. Newsletters were produced in 2004 and 2005 but are no longer available from the website. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070205218 E
ClassmarkNH: QW: WFC: 3E: 4C: 74

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