Centre for Policy on Ageing


Do geriatricians stay in geriatrics?
Author(s)Uday Shah, Myo Aung, Susanna Chan
Journal titleGerontology & Geriatrics Education, vol 27, no 1, 2006
Pagespp 57-65
KeywordsGeriatricians ; Job satisfaction ; Quality of life ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationTo evaluate whether formally trained geriatricians remain in the field of geriatrics, and to determine their job satisfaction and perceived quality of life, the authors surveyed the 107 fellows trained in the part 25 on one accredited geriatric course. Of the 88 physicians who consented to participate, 75% devoted at least half of their practice to the care of older people. On an academic level, 89.5% had, or planned to pursue, recertification geriatric medicine. 95% of these geriatricians felt that the impact of a formal geriatrics fellowship was positive on their medical career and satisfaction index. 64% had annual incomes between $100k and $200k, and 25% had incomes greater than $200k. 87% would recommend pursuing geriatric fellowship training. We need to further explore how recruitment processes and job opportunities are presented to potential geriatric fellows. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070201002 A
ClassmarkQT4: WL5: F:59: 3F: 7T

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