Centre for Policy on Ageing


Individual budgets
 — on the launch pad
Author(s)Martin Stevens
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 14, issue 6, December 2006
Pagespp 23-31
KeywordsSocial security benefits ; Independence ; Pilot ; Evaluation.
AnnotationCentral to the White Paper "Our health, our care, our say" (Cm 6737; TSO, 2006) has been the piloting of individual budgets, the aim of which has been to test ways of providing personalised care and its funding. This article presents plans to evaluate the individual budget pilots in England. It describes the setting up of the 13 pilot projects in England, and outlines the evaluation's questions and approaches. The article outlines some of the central challenges being encountered as the pilots get under way. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070131229 A
ClassmarkJH: C3: 4UC: 4C

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