Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developing the provision of end-of-life care for older people in care homes through user involvement in organisational practice development
 — Phase 1: A questionnaire survey concerning end-of-life care for older people in care homes
Author(s)Katherine Froggatt
Corporate AuthorPalliative and End of Life Care Research Group, University of Sheffield
Publishernot published, 2004
Pages24 pp
SourceOn application to: Dr Katherine Froggatt, Institute for Health Research, Bowland Tower East, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YT. E-mail: k.froggatt@lancaster.ac.uk
KeywordsTerminal care ; Death ; Dying ; Care homes ; Social surveys ; South Yorkshire.
AnnotationA postal survey of managers of 281 care homes in South Yorkshire was undertaken in order to: establish the nature of deaths within the care homes; identify managers' perspectives of the needs of residents and family; describe the resources available to the home; and describe managers' priorities for improving end-of-life care. This report presents findings of the study (funded by the Health Foundation), which seeks a participative approach in the development of new practices in end-of-life care, particularly with regard to communication and shared decision making, symptom assessment and management, and working within the structures of the health and social care system. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070130214 B
ClassmarkLV: CW: CX: KW: 3F: 85

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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