Centre for Policy on Ageing


Impact of case management (Evercare) on frail elderly patients
 — controlled before and after analysis of quantitative outcome data
Author(s)Hugh Gravelle, Mark Dusheiko, Rod Sheaff
Corporate AuthorNational Primary Care Research and Development Centre (NPCRDC)
Journal titleBritish Medical Journal, vol 334 no 7583, 6 January 2007
Pagespp 31-34
KeywordsNurses ; Management [care] ; Long term ; Evaluation ; Quantitative studies.
AnnotationCase management aims to improve outcomes in patients, and particularly to reduce unplanned hospital admission. In 2002/3, nine Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) piloted case management of older people selected as being at high risk of emergency admission. Rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days, and mortality from April 2001 to March 2005 in 62 Evercare practices were compared with those of 6960 to 7695 control practices in England (depending on the analysis being carried out). The intervention had no significant effect on rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days for a high risk population aged 65+ with a history of two or more emergency admissions in the preceding 13 months. For the general population aged 65+, effects on the rates of emergency admission, emergency bed days and mortality were also non-significant. Case management of frail older people introduced an additional range of services in primary care without an associated reduction in hospital admissions. This may have been because of identification of additional cases. Employment of community matrons is now a key feature of case management policy in the NHS in England. Without more radical system redesign, this policy is unlikely to reduce hospital admissions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070125204 A
ClassmarkQTE: QA: 4Q: 4C: 3DQ *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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