Centre for Policy on Ageing


Accessible support for family caregivers of seniors with chronic conditions
 — from isolation to inclusion
Author(s)Miriam Stewart, Alison Barnfather, Anne Neufeld
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 25, no 2, Summer 2006
Pagespp 179-192
KeywordsChronic illness ; Dementia ; Family care ; Needs [elderly] ; Services ; Self help organisations ; Qualitative Studies ; Canada.
AnnotationAccessible support programmes can improve health outcomes for family caregivers of older relatives who have chronic conditions. Over the course of 6 months, 27 experienced family caregivers provided weekly support via the telephone to 46 individuals, either new family caregivers or older people recently diagnosed with stroke or newly vulnerable family caregivers (i.e. facing increasing demands from the deterioration of their older relative's condition) of those with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Qualitative data documented the perceived impact of the intervention, including increased satisfaction with support, coping skills, caregiving competence and confidence, and decreased caregiver burden and loneliness. Caregivers identified varied support processes that overcame support deficits in their social networks. These processes can facilitate replication in future research and inform practice and policies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070110212 A
ClassmarkCI: EA: P6:SJ: IK: I: PQ: 3DP: 7S

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