Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care managers' time use
 — differences between community mental health and older people's services in the United Kingdom
Author(s)Sana Loue, Janet L Lowder, Sandra J Buzney
Journal titleCare Management Journals, vol 7, no 4, Winter 2006
Pagespp 169-178
KeywordsMental disorder ; Personnel ; Social workers ; Case work ; Time conditions ; Evaluation ; Comparison.
AnnotationSince the community care reforms of the early 1990s, care management in the UK has become the usual means of arranging services for even the most straightforward of social care needs. This paper presents data from a diary study of care managers' time use, compiled from the diary sheets of 61 care managers in older people's teams and 38 care managers in mental health teams, to compare their working practices. Evidence is provided to suggest that while those in mental health service settings follow a more clinical model of care management, those working with older people take an almost exclusively administrative approach to their work. In addition, the multidisciplinary nature of mental health service teams appears to facilitate a more integrated health and social care approach to care management compared to that of older people's services. Further enquiry is needed as to the comparative effectiveness of these different modes of working in each service setting. This article comments on other aspects of the study, including methodological limitations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070109222 A
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