Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care-home providers as professionals
 — understanding the motivations of care-home providers in England
Author(s)Tihana Matosevic, Martin Knapp, Jeremy Kendall
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 27, part 1, January 2007
Pagespp 103-126
KeywordsCare homes ; Managers ; Personnel ; Attitude ; Social surveys ; England.
AnnotationThe financial and social climate in which the residential care sector operates in the UK has changed substantially over recent years. This paper examines the underlying motivations for providing residential care services for older people. The authors focus on the motivations of a sample of managers and owners of care homes drawn from 8 English local authorities; they explore the intrinsic aspects of their motivation, particularly professional achievement, recognition and job satisfaction. The majority of the respondents' primary motivations were to meet the needs of older people, and to accomplish professional achievements. Their caring motivations had four principal components, which were labelled professional, financial, client-specific and client-generic; and as for their professional motivations, the interview reported high levels of job satisfaction. The respondents were satisfied with their career choice and felt that, through their work, they were contributing to society. The study identified several personal and external factors that influenced the providers' intrinsic motivations and professional aspirations. The presented evidence suggests that if future policies are to improve the quality of care home services, it is essential that they also incorporate the professional needs of care home providers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-070104206 A
ClassmarkKW: T6: QM: DP: 3F: 82

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