Centre for Policy on Ageing


The state of the social care workforce in England
 — summary of the second annual report of the Skills Research & Intelligence Unit, 2004
Author(s)Christine Eborall
Corporate AuthorResearch & Intelligence Unit, Skills for Care (formerly: Topss England)
PublisherElectronic format, 2005
Pages9 pp
SourceTopss England, Albion Court, 5 Albion Place, Leeds LS1 6JL. Downloaded document (19.5.04) : www.skillsforcare.org.uk Full report available as CD-ROM for £5 or downloaded document (3 volumes/450 pp).
KeywordsSocial workers ; Training [welfare work] ; Coordination ; Labour economics ; Conditions of employment ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe main objective of this report is to update the statistics in the first annual report of the Topss England Workforce Intelligence Unit. This summary report focuses mainly on three parts of the workforce: local authority social services; social care in day, residential and domiciliary care; and early years childcare. It outlines workforce numbers, and employment and vacancy patterns. It discusses issues relating to job satisfaction, recruitment and training, and media attitudes towards social work and social care. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-061120209 E
ClassmarkQR: QW: QAJ: WH: WKA: 3F

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