Centre for Policy on Ageing


Income and poverty in the United States in comparative perspective
 — the role of income and wealth in guaranteeing economic security in old age
Author(s)Timothy M Smeeding, James Williamson, Eva Sierminska
Journal titlePublic Policy & Aging Report, vol 16, no 3, Summer 2006
PublisherNational Academy on an Aging Society, Summer 2006
Pagespp 23-27
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Economic status [elderly] ; Income [older people] ; Comparison ; United States of America ; Canada ; Finland ; Germany ; Italy ; Sweden ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationIf poverty is to be reduced and security increased in old age, we need to know more about how older people live and their sources of economic support over and above their annual income. A comparative cross-national perspective can offer us insights. This short paper extends previous cross-national analyses of older people's economic well-being by examining the effects of both income and wealth on poverty across some richer OECD countries: the US, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK. Data from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) database and the Luxembourg Wealth Study (LWS) show differences between these countries regarding income and asset poverty, and home ownership and home values. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-061115203 A
ClassmarkF:W6: F:W: JF: 48: 7T: 7S: 76L: 767: 76V: 76P: 8

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