Centre for Policy on Ageing


Policy for older persons in the perspective of an ageing population
Corporate AuthorMinistry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Netherlands
PublisherElectronic format only, February 2006
Pages100 pp
KeywordsSocial policy ; Government publications ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThe government of the Netherlands sets out a policy agenda on policy for older persons in the perspective of an ageing population, in broad outline for the long term and in more concrete terms for the near future. The ageing of the population is a result in the rise of life expectancy, the decrease in the number of births until about 1970, and the post-war baby boom. In 2030 the Netherlands will have 4 million inhabitants older than 65, almost 25% of the total population; in 2005, 14% of all inhabitants are above that age. The Netherlands sees an ageing population as one that equates with enrichment. People live longer and healthier lives, are able to stay in work for longer due to changing practices and circumstances, are increasingly likely to have a higher standard of education and are increasingly likely to supplement their state pension with other pensions and sources of wealth, and to be house-owners. However, an ageing population will only continue to represent enrichment if policy choices are made in good time. The challenge lies mainly in a number of policy areas: income, labour, housing, welfare and care. This policy document sets out the future scenario and policy choices that will need to be made by the Netherlands government. A short three page summary is also available. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-061110201 E
ClassmarkTM2: 6OA: 76H

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