Centre for Policy on Ageing


Self-employment and retirement
 — a report of research carried out by Social Policy Research Unit, the University of York on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions
Author(s)Roy Sainsbury, Naomi Finch, Anne Corden
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Unit - SPRU, University of York; Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherCorporate Document Services, Leeds, 2006
Pages112 pp (Department for Work and Pensions Research report, no 395)
SourceCorporate Document Services, 7 Eastgate, Leeds LS2 7EY. E-mail: orderline@cds.co.uk Website: www.cds.co.uk Download from DWP website: http://www.dwp.gov.uk/asd/asd5/rrs2006.asp
KeywordsSelf employed ; Preparation [retirement] ; Pensions ; Savings ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationFindings from a qualitative research study are presented, exploring how self-employed people aged 40+ make financial plans for retirement, and whether self-employment can play a role in extending people's working lives. Findings are based on interviews with 40 people in two areas of England in late 2005 and early 2006. The project was undertaken by the Social Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of York on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The research was undertaken against a background of growing policy interest in pension provision, particularly the work of the Pensions Commission. The report explores the routes by which people come to self-employment, and the advantages and constraints. Considered next are knowledge of financial products that might contribute to income after retirement, patterns of saving within the study group, and views and perceptions about savings and pension products. Thinking about and moving from self-employment to retirement is examined with regard to expected level of income after State Pension Age (SPA), or expectations of extending working life. The researchers consider policy lessons, for example how to improve pension provision for the self-employed. Appendices include research methods and documentation used during the research. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-061101001 B
ClassmarkTFP: GA: JJ: JDD: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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