Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age Concern's response to the Commission for Social Care Inspection's consultation on Key Lines of Regulatory Assessments - (KLORA)
 — summary
Corporate AuthorAge Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England - ACE, London, July 2006
Pages2 pp (Policy Response - summary, ref: 1606(S))
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. Download document at http://www.ageconcern.org.uk
KeywordsServices ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Inspection ; Age Concern ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationThe Key Lines of Regulatory Assessments (KLORA) proposals, published by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) consult on the methods that CSCI will apply in inspecting care services. Age Concern England (ACE) generally welcomes the overall approach, but argues for a greater emphasis to be placed on potential risks. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-061018219 P
ClassmarkI: Q3: 3U: PT: 6PM *

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