Centre for Policy on Ageing


Change in care regimes and female migration
 — the "care drain" in the Mediterranean
Author(s)Francesca Bettio, Annamaria Simonazzi, Paola Villa
Journal titleJournal of European Social Policy, vol 16, no 3, August 2006
Pagespp 271-286
KeywordsFamily care ; Women as carers ; Older women ; Migration ; Italy ; Spain ; Greece ; Portugal.
AnnotationConcern over the need to provide long-term care for an ageing population has stimulated a search for new solutions that can ensure financial viability and a better balance between demand and supply of care. At present, there is a great variety of care regimes across industrial nations, with Mediterranean countries forming a distinctive cluster where management of care is overwhelmingly entrusted to the family. In some of these countries, care of older people has recently attracted large flows of care migrants, ushering in a new division of labour among family carers (mainly women), female migrants and skilled native workers. The article explores the interconnections between the feminisation of migration on the one hand, and ongoing change in the Southern European care regimes (in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece) on the other hand. Different strands of the literature are brought together and reviewed to illustrate ongoing developments. One main objective is to identify issues of efficiency, equity and sustainability raised by this new "model" of care. The results of recent surveys of provisions and costs of long-term care are accordingly reviewed to set the stage for discussion on the optimal mix of long-term care provisions in place of traditional family care. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060922210 A
ClassmarkP6:SJ: P6:SH: BD: TN: 76V: 76S: 76X: 76T

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