Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intergenerational coresidence of the Japanese elderly
 — are cultural norms proactive or reactive?
Author(s)Emiko Takagi, Merril Silverstein
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 28, no 4, July 2006
Pagespp 473-492
KeywordsLiving with family ; Family relationships ; Multi generation families ; Japan.
AnnotationRelatively high prevalence of co-residence between older parents and adult children in Japan is generally interpreted as a structural manifestation of traditional family norms. However, recent socioeconomic changes in Japan have called this into question. This study analyses national data from older people in Japan to examined the reciprocal relationship between two types of intergenerational co-residence and normative beliefs about traditional stem family living arrangements. Two-stage least squares regression analysis reveal that co-residence with married children and traditional normative beliefs mutually reinforce each other, whereas co-residence with unmarried children strengthens normative beliefs, but not vice versa. The authors argue that the composition of multigenerational households of older people in Japan is shifting toward a type where instrumental concerns of both generations take precedence over traditional cultural ideology. Traditional norms still motivate the formation of stem-family households but are also used to justify instrumentally driven living arrangements with single children. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060922203 A
ClassmarkKA:SJ: DS:SJ: SJC: 7DT

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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