Centre for Policy on Ageing


"Are they still having sex?"
 — STIs and unintended pregnancy among mid-life women
Author(s)Christy A Sherman, S Marie Harvey, John Noell
Journal titleJournal of Women & Aging, vol 17, no 3, 2005
Pagespp 41-56
KeywordsOlder women ; Middle aged ; Sexual activity ; AIDS ; United States of America.
AnnotationResearch has shown that women remain sexually active throughout mid-life and into the post-menopausal years. Recent data reveal that significant numbers of STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and unintended pregnancies occur among mid-life women. Data on STI prevalence indicate several STIs have relatively high rates among women over age 30, including HIV and HSV-2. Data from the 1995 US National Survey of Family Growth reveal 51% of pregnancies among women aged 40+ are unintended. Both STIs and unintended pregnancy can result in serious health consequences for mid-life women. Despite these realities, there is a lack of programmes addressing these two health issues among mid-life women and the unique life circumstances of women at this stage of life. The authors assert there is a compelling need for interventions to reduce STIs and unintended pregnancy in this population of women. They review the literature regarding STIs and unintended pregnancy in mid-life women; identify gaps in current resources; and make recommendations for health care practice and future research. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060913203 A
ClassmarkBD: SE: BIU: CQTT: 7T

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