Centre for Policy on Ageing


National Service Framework for older people in Wales
 — executive summary
Corporate AuthorWelsh Assembly Government
PublisherWelsh Assembly Government, Cardiff, March 2006
Pages54 pp
SourceOlder People & Long Term Care, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ. http://www.wales.nhs.uk/nsf
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Medical care ; Drugs ; Performance ; Standards of provision ; Welsh language ; Government publications ; Wales.
AnnotationFollowing on from the publication of the Strategy for Older People in Wales launched in 2003 and a period of formal consultation, this NSF for Older People in Wales has been published. The NSF seeks to build on the good practice that already exists in Wales, and to facilitate the sharing of innovative and effective practice to the benefit of all older people. This summary sets out the NSF Standards on: age discrimination; person centred care; promoting health and well-being; challenging dependency; intermediate care; hospital care; stroke; falls and fractures; mental health; and medicines. It also summarises the support to implement the Standards. A full report can be downloaded from the website link given. The report is in English and Welsh. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060912204 B
ClassmarkL4: LK: LLD: 5H: 583: 6W8: 6OA: 9

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