Centre for Policy on Ageing


The strategy for older people in Wales
Corporate AuthorHealth Promotion Division, Welsh Assembly Government
PublisherWelsh Assembly Government, Cardiff, [2006]
Pages2 sides of A4 laminated
SourceSteve Vincent, Welsh Assembly Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF10 3NQ. steve.vincent@wales.gsi.gov.uk
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Social policy ; Government publications ; Wales.
AnnotationThe Strategy was launched on 30 January 2003 and provides a structured basis for the Welsh Assembly and other public bodies in Wales to develop future policies and plans to address the implications of an ageing population. This laminated sheet outlines the Strategy's main features, charting action to date. The development of an Evaluation Framework of the Strategy has been completed and an independent evaluation of it is underway. Its findings will feed into a Task and Finish Group, that will advise the Assembly about the direction and shape of the next five year phase of the Strategy. The Group is due to report its recommendations in Spring 2007. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060912203 P
ClassmarkI: L: TM2: 6OA: 9 *

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