Centre for Policy on Ageing


Definitions and indicators of elder abuse
 — a Delphi survey of APS caseworkers
Author(s)Jeanette M Daly, Gerald J Jogerst
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, vol 17, no 1, 2005
Pagespp 1-19
KeywordsElder abuse ; Case work ; Social workers ; Measurement ; Methodology ; Interpretation ; United States of America.
AnnotationInstruments designed to measure specific types of elder mistreatment are not available, but they may be warranted after an initial screen indicates abuse or risk for abuse. This study's purpose was to evaluate definitions for different types of elder mistreatment and validate the indicators as perceived by adult protective services (APS) caseworkers' opinions. Through 351 APS network participants, a Delphi survey (which involves structuring group communication in stages or 'rounds') was completed. A 45% return rate was achieved for Round 1, and 40% for Round 2, with 70 same respondents from both rounds. These types of abuse, emotional abuse, exploitation of finances and/or property, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse, have some similar and some extremely different indicators that singly and together expand their definition. Instruments to ensure five different types of abuse are offered for caseworker or prevalence study use. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060908001 A
ClassmarkQNT: IGA: QR: 3R: 3D: 4CC: 7T

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