Centre for Policy on Ageing


Flexible retirement: a snapshot of employer practices 2006
 — commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions; produced by the Employers Forum on Age (EFA) and IFF Research Ltd
Corporate AuthorEmployers Forum on Age - EFA; IFF Research Ltd; Age Partnership Group, Department for Work and Pensions - DWP
PublisherDepartment for Work and Pensions - DWP, London, 2006
Pages38 pp (Issue no APG17)
SourceExtending Working Life Division, DWP, N10, Moorfoot, Sheffield S1 4PQ. Download copies : http://www.agepositive.gov.uk/agepartnershipgroup Email for hard copies: agepositive@dwp.gsi.gov.uk
KeywordsRetirement policy ; Attitude ; Employers ; Employment of older people ; Case studies.
AnnotationFlexible retirement, in the context of this research, may consist of one or any combination of: flexibility over retirement date; a gradual reduction in the working week just before or after normal retirement age (NRA); or a reduction in the intensity of employment (downshifting) just before NRA. This study follows on from a 2002 review, "Flexible retirement: a snapshot of large employers initiatives". It provides an overview of employer policies and practices, and a checklist for employers wishing to deliver flexible retirement options to employees. It outlines employers' views on the Age Regulations (October 2006) and on the tax simplification changes to pensions (April 2006). Case studies describe current practices on flexible retirement for the following employers: BT; B&Q; Marks & Spencer plc; Hertfordshire County Council; First Group (bus operator); HSBC; and BAA. Appendices include a case study interview topic guide. This research is one of a number of projects commissioned by the DWP on behalf of the Age Partnership Group (APG) as part of the National Guidance Campaign (NGC). (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060906001 B
ClassmarkG5: DP: TF: GC: 69P

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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