Centre for Policy on Ageing


Affordable Rural Housing Commission - final report
Author(s)Elinor Goodman
Corporate AuthorAffordable Rural Housing Commission
PublisherAffordable Rural Housing Commission, London, 2006
Pages99 pp
SourceDefra Publications, Admail 6000, London SW1A 2XX. Tel 0845 955 6000. E-mail: defra@cambertown.com Also on the DEFRA website at: http://www.defra.gov.uk/rural/housing/commission/ Affordable Rural Housing Commission, Ergon House, Horseferry
Road, London SW1P 2AL.
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Owner occupied dwellings ; Rented dwellings ; Rural areas ; Social policy ; England.
AnnotationThe Affordable Rural Housing Commission was set up in July 2005 by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM, now the Department for Communities and Local Government). The Commission was asked to find practical solutions to improve access to affordable housing to rent or buy for those who live or work in rural areas. Having outlined evidence of a shortage of affordable housing throughout rural England, the report explores how affordable housing should be made an integral part of the planning system. It examines the extent to which current public funding is meeting rural affordable housing needs, and makes recommendations on future levels and targeting of public resources. It explores how private landowners might be encouraged to make more land available, and how better use could be made of surplus public land. It proposes how empty or under-used property could be brought back into use as affordable housing, and how the impacts of second home ownership could be minimised. The Commission offers recommendations on retaining social rent or low cost home ownership in rural areas. Throughout, are case studies and examples of best practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060810001 B
ClassmarkKE: KEA: KEE: RL: TM2: 82

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