Centre for Policy on Ageing


Care homes
 — through the eyes of the consumer
Corporate AuthorEnglish Community Care Association - ECCA; P&G Professional
PublisherEnglish Community Care Association, London, [2006]
Pagesunpaginated (A4 foldout brochure)
SourceEnglish Community Care Association, 145 Cannon Street, London EC4N 5BQ. E-mail: info@ecca.org.uk http://www.ecca.org.uk
KeywordsCare homes ; Consumer ; Residents [care homes] ; The Family ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationP&G Professional has collaborated with the English Community Care Association (ECCA) to complete a new study, "Care homes : through the eyes of the consumer", of which this is a summary. The study was designed to provide insightful new information of value to care home operators and those working within the sector. As such, it complements the ECCA and P&G report, "Improving lives, improving life" (2004). It provides overviews of findings from the points of view of residents, relatives and staff on four key areas: choosing a care home; daily life in a care home; family and friends; and staff. Key areas for attention that emerged from the report include: better communication between all parties; improved transparency of information; greater awareness of the needs of residents and their relatives; sustained recruitment of good, experienced staff; improved home care management; and learning for best practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060802203 B
ClassmarkKW: WY: KX: SJ: 3DP

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