Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making a difference through volunteering
 — the impact of volunteers who support and care for people at home
Author(s)Helen Bowers, Alison Macadam, Meena Patel
Corporate AuthorOlder People's Programme, Care and Help
PublisherCommunity Service Volunteers, London, July 2006
Pages140 pp
SourceCSV, 237 Pentonville Road, London N1 9NJ. Website: www.csv.org.uk
KeywordsVoluntary workers ; Informal care ; Participation ; Projects.
AnnotationThe Older People's Programme carried out this research project between May 2005 and May 2006, with the objective of identifying and highlighting the distinctive contribution of volunteers involved in providing support to people who also receive statutory health and social care services. The project is the first jointly commissioned Community Service Volunteers (CSV), British Red Cross (BRC) and Help the Aged (HtA); it was funded by the Lloyds TSB Foundation. This report describes the research which was carried out in six contrasting areas: Barnard Castle and Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Anglesey; Calderdale; Hammersmith and Fulham; Kent; and Cheshire. It identifies fourteen cross-cutting themes from the fieldwork, including the impact of social isolation; contribution to independence and well-being; flexibility and freedom as key motivators for volunteering; personal care issues; and the importance of time. Detailed findings are presented on the service users' experiences of volunteer services, the volunteers' perspectives, and perspectives of external stakeholders. Appendices include results of a background literature review and the questionnaires used. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060707001 B
ClassmarkQV: P6: TMB: 3E

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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