Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age Concern's response to the Department for Trade and Industry consultation "Advancing equality for men and women: proposals for a public sector duty to promote gender equality"
 — summary
Corporate AuthorAge Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England - ACE, London, January 2006
Pages3 pp (Policy Response - summary, ref: 0206(S))
SourceAge Concern England, Astral House, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER. Download document at http://www.ageconcern.org.uk
KeywordsSexual equality ; Social policy ; Age Concern ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationAge Concern England (ACE) comments that a positive duty on gender could "contribute to the transformation of society into one underpinned by diversity, equality and fairness, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect". ACE's response to this consultation comments on equal pay issues, procurement of goods and services, and the scope of public authorities and their duties. The comments in this summary also have much to do with the related issue of age equality. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060704212 P
ClassmarkTM8: TM2: PT: 6PM *

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