Centre for Policy on Ageing


Teaming up! A guidebook for local governments interested in international exchange programmes for senior volunteers
Author(s)Davide Di Pietro
Corporate AuthorEURAG; ENEA Programme, EU
PublisherEURAG, Graz, Austria, 2005
Pages31 pp
SourceEURAG General Secretariat, Wielandgasse 9, 8010 Graz, Austria. http://www.eurag-europe.org
KeywordsVoluntary work [elderly] ; Participation ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; European Union.
AnnotationThis booklet is aimed at all those local government authorities who want to host senior volunteers as a resource for their projects and to send their volunteers abroad: a guide to developing European-wide senior volunteer programmes. Such programmes would be based upon previous European Youth Programmes and more specifically of its "Action 2 European Voluntary Service" within such programmes. In 2001, two mobility pilot projects were carried out under the framework of SOCRATES - Grundtvig 1 and it is hoped that these will be built upon. Four tools are provided as examples of the paperwork that might be required to produce to support such a volunteers' programme. (KJ).
Accession NumberCPA-0607011204 B
ClassmarkGHH: TMB: F: WFC*

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