Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quality in long-term care homes for people with dementia
 — an assessment of specialist provision
Author(s)Siobhan Reilly, Michele Abendstern, Jane Hughes
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 26, part 4, July 2006
Pagespp 649-668
KeywordsDementia ; Mental disorder ; Care homes ; Nursing homes ; Management [care] ; Quality ; Evaluation ; North West England.
AnnotationThere has been debate for some years as to whether the best model of care for people with dementia emphasises specialist facilities or integrated service provision. Although the UK National Service Framework for Older People (NSF) recommended that local authority social services departments (SSDs) encourage the development of specialist residential care for people with dementia, uncertainty continues as to the benefits of particular care regimes, partly because research evidence is limited. This paper examines a large number of 'performance measures' from long-term care facilities in North West England that have residents with dementia. Of the 287 in the survey, 56% described themselves as specialist services for elderly people with mental ill-health problems (known as EMI homes). It was envisaged that EMI homes would score higher than non-EMI homes on several measures of service quality for people with dementia that were developed from research evidence and policy documents. The analysis found that EMI homes performed better than non-EMI homes on only a few measures. While both home types achieved good results on some standards, on others both performed poorly. Overall, EMI and non-EMI homes offered a similar service. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-060622207 A
ClassmarkEA: E: KW: LHB: QA: 59: 4C: 82NW

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